Today I wanted to share my digital graphic recording of the Tim Ferriss interview with Kevin Hart. You can watch the full interview here. I had so many takeaways that I had a difficult time summarizing all of them on one page.

I don’t want to get into too many details here, but one of my main takeaways was that life is about meaningful relationships and when life hits you with a curveball (like Kevin’s car accident), that’s when you realize what is truly important.

I also loved that Kevin talked about his attitude on viewing the things that are supposed to be triggers in his life (like his relationship with his dad) as lessons. He went on to say that those lessons are just stories and you can always choose to not stay in one particular paragraph of your life.

His positive outlook on life is very inspiring. He pointed out that “Life is too short to be affected all the time” and argued that if you’re a person who is always bothered then you should ask yourself: “How pleasant are you to be around?”

Probably my favorite part of the entire interview was when he said: “I came from nothing, I got something”. What I took away from this part of the conversation was that we should be appreciative of what we have, without thinking that we were supposed to have any of it. However, we should also be aware that it can all go away and if it does that’s just part of life. It is what it is.

Complaining is wasted energy. If we cannot change something, then complaining is not going to do anything. But if we can change something, then we should focus on taking action. Instead of just complaining, we can direct that energy towards solving whatever obstacle we’re facing.

I hope that this makes sense and my sketchnote will be a useful reminder of this interview. By the way, Kevin’s new audio production “The Decision” is now available on Audible!

My Visual Sketchnote Summary

You can download the printable PDF version of my sketchnote by clicking on the button below.

NOTE: I set up a Ko-fi account which allows creatives like me to receive donations for their work. If you want to support me, you can do that by buying me a coffee on Ko-fi. Please note that this is completely optional. Only do it if you find value in my work and you have the means to support others. Thank you either way for being here!


Ferriss, T. (2020, May 20). Kevin Hart—Life Lessons from a Comedic Powerhouse (#435). The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss.

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